Early Bird Rates for the 2025 season ends on March 7th!

Clubhouse Rental

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Rent the clubhouse for your next event. Choose a Morning, Afternoon or Evening price below. Prior to paying you should already have reserved a time or discussed available times with your club’s Rental Coordinator.

Deposit must be included. This will be refunded if the clubhouse is in the same condition prior to your event.


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Rental Terms
I agree to be responsible for the condition of the Clubhouse facility and/or pool after I have used it on the above date and to leave it in the same clean condition in which I found it. I further agree to be wholly responsible for the actions of all my guests and to forfeit my rental deposit and provide any additional payment for any repair, replacement, and/or cleaning necessitated by negligence and/or willful acts of my guests or myself. I understand that the Clubhouse is a smoke and alcohol free facility. Smoking is only allowed off the Clubhouse grounds. Only members are allowed to rent the clubhouse.
Further, I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the club, its Board of Directors and volunteers against all liabilities and expenses including, without limitation, attorney’s fees or court costs related to any loss, damage or personal injury arising from the above identified event.
I understand and agree to the following:
1. Clean-up must be completed within the reserved time. The Clubhouse can only be reserved until 11:30pm, no exceptions. The club will supply cleaning supplies including, but not limited to: hand soap, dish soap, floor cleaner, broom, dust pan, mop, and bucket. If further cleaning is required due to the renter’s negligence, a cleaning fee will be deducted from the deposit.
2. Any renter who assumes responsibility for the Clubhouse for an event must be present at all times during the event.
3. No pins or nails that would damage the walls or ceiling of the interior of the Clubhouse will be used. All decorations must be removed. Confetti and candles are not allowed.
4. All tables and chairs should be folded, stacked and put away. The renter is responsible for any damage to tables and chairs during the time of rental.
5. All trash, decorations, food and drink items must be removed from the Clubhouse including the refrigerator, oven, entryway and restrooms. The Clubhouse and restrooms must be cleaned satisfactorily (swept, mopped and wiped) and clear of any debris. All bottles, cans, paper and other debris as a result of function must be removed from outside areas including parking lot.
6. Clubhouse rental does not include access to the pool area unless specifically noted.

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Brookfield Swim Club is located at 13615 Pennsboro Drive, Chantilly VA  |  Phone: 571-969-SWIM (7946)

HOA/Swim & Tennis Club Software by PoolDues v9.0