Membership Info

Brookfield Swim Club (BSC) memberships are competitively priced based. All memberships are equity based and do not collect a refundable equity fee as part of your membership. Each family membership is allowed to vote in the general election for the board and all memberships receive applicable discounts (e.g. clubhouse rental).

Contact our membership director for any questions regarding membership.


Dues and Payment Information

Early Bird Rates for returning members for the 2025 season available for a limited time.


Apply for Membership

Navigate to our Membership tab.


Rules and Regulations

View the Brookfield Swim Club Rules and Regulations here. Note: If you would like your children to come to the pool unaccompanied, please review the age requirements included in the Rules and Regulations.


Retiring Your Membership

We hate to see any member leave, but sometimes the club no longer meets your needs.   To retire your membership, send an e-mail to the membership director.




Below are frequently asked questions. As the season preparation progresses, the FAQs will be updated. Feel free to check for updates.


Membership Types FAQs

What type of membership is available?
Currently we offer regular family, large family, and couples membership.

What is a family membership?
Per the ByLaws: A family is defined as all persons of the same immediate family who permanently reside in the same housing unit. The immediate family is defined as husband, wife, children, parents and dependent brothers and sisters.

Is there a limit of people for family membership?
Yes. There is a limit of 8 family members for the regular family membership. If you have more than 8 family members, the large family membership is available.  If you have any questions you can contact our membership chair.

How can I sign up for membership?
Apply for membership here.


Guests, other family members, and babysitters FAQs

Are out of town families considered guests or family members?
Out of town families are considered guests. A family is defined as all persons of the same immediate family who permanently reside in the same housing unit. The immediate family is defined as husband, wife, children, parents and dependent brothers and sisters.

If we have family or friends staying with us for the summer, instead of purchasing guest passes, is there a flat fee we can pay?
Having family and friends for the summer is so much fun. We have flexible options. If you have family/friends staying, they can pay $60 per person/per month OR  $150 per person for the entire season.

We will have someone watching our kids during the summer while we work, how does this situation work with childcare providers?
Nannies and other childcare providers, who bring your children to the pool can be included on the membership application. Individuals not included on the membership application will pay a guest fee. Make sure you let the membership chair know.


Guest Passes FAQs

How much are guest passes?
Guest passes are $6/person per day. Pre-paid guest passes are available at $6/person per day or 10 guest passes for $55 for those with family memberships. Pre-paid guest passes will be added to your membership account and can be purchased here.

How are guest passes paid?

You can purchase them under the shop tab.

Does the member have to be with the guest the entire time?
Yes. Members must stay at the pool while their guests during the time they are there. The member is responsible for their guest.

I didn’t use the guest passes last season, can I use them this season?
Starting from the 2025 season, guest passes will stay on the members account.

Can non members purchase guest passes?
Only members can purchase guest passes.

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Brookfield Swim Club is located at 13615 Pennsboro Drive, Chantilly VA  |  Phone: 571-969-SWIM (7946)

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